A part of MGS Mfg. Group


Dmitri Ratskovski

Design Control Specialist
More about Dmitri
Dmitri holds a B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering and an MSc in Materials & Manufacturing Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). He has over five years of product development experience in the MedTech industry, developing dental implant systems, implant-borne prosthetics, dental surgical instruments and scan bodies dedicated to dental prosthetic restoration, as well as a sound processor for cochlear implants, hearing aids, and combination products. Dmitri is familiar with all stages of the product development lifecycle, having participated both as a mechanical developer and as a design control specialist. His extroverted personality and attention to detail enable him to excel in managing multiple stakeholders and meeting deadlines. In his spare time, Dmitri enjoys spending time with his family, practicing yoga and mindfulness meditation, swimming in Lake Furesø year-round, and creating stop-motion animation.

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