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Sustainability Challenges in the Danish MedTech Industry

We have investigated what challenges the Danish MedTech industry is facing for a more sustainable product  development. The white paper explores potential obstacles and barriers  as experienced by a broad sample of the industry. 

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our upcoming events will take you through

The four future scenarios – we call them: GAFA is coming, Legislative minefield, Expanded value streams, and The digital holy grail.

our design sprint is based on

Solid, deep and varied competences

Yes, the icons are clickable and takes you to an introduction of each work area. We just want to emphasize that our 5 weeks Design Sprint draw on expertise from all areas and thus makes the deliverables viable for becoming a real product.

our design sprint is based on

Solid, deep and varied competences

Yes, the icons are clickable and takes you to an introduction of each work area. We just want to emphasize that our 5 weeks Design Sprint draw on expertise from all areas and thus makes the deliverables viable for becoming a real product.

Sign up for more knowledge

We are hosting two events where we want to take you through the opportunities of a design sprint to address the challenges of the four future scenarios. Choose which one suits you best. 

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